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Compliance / Code of Conduct

The msg life Code of Conduct

msg life published its Code of Conduct at the beginning of December 2014. It was updated and expanded at various points in its reissue in November 2018. Further adjustments were made that became necessary due to the entry into force of the Whistleblower Protection Act in July 2023. An important function of the Code of Conduct is to make everyone in the company aware of the applicable laws and company guidelines in an appropriate way and to sensitise them to legal risks of their day-to-day work. The Code of Conduct summarises laws and other regulations that are particularly relevant for msg life companies and provides guidance. As a binding guideline for lawful and ethically responsible behaviour in our company, the Code of Conduct also defines the standards for responsible conduct towards business associates and the public, as well as for behaviour towards one another within the company. For the employees, this means clear guidance for their day-to-day activities, and for suppliers and customers it means a binding promise that they can count on. Whether employees, executives, management staff or the Management Board, everyone in the company must comply with the principles established in the Code of Conduct.


The Code of Conduct contains a variety of principles, classified in accordance with the thematic areas ‘Vision, corporate goals and general principles’, ‘Conflicts of interest’, ‘Preventing bribery and corruption’, ‘Fair competition / Prohibition of cartels’, ‘Handling of data, information and operating assets’, ‘Social responsibility’ and ‘Environmental protection’.


In addition to this, the Code of Conduct also acts as a guideline for appropriate decision-making and gives information about the communication channels provided by the company, in other words the possibilities for seeking advice, expressing misgivings about possible misconduct safely and confidentially or making suggestions on how to improve the compliance processes.


We are familiarising our employees with the Code of Conduct in a training course designed especially for this purpose.


msg life also expects all suppliers and partners who provide support in the interests of or on behalf of the msg life Group to comply with this code of conduct.



msg life Code of Conduct (pdf)