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Working at msg insur:it

What we can offer you

Go for it!

Are you looking for a safe job with creative freedom and the opportunity for professional and personal development? If so, you’re at the right place. We like to invest in our employees and in developing your skills. Dialogue characterized by appreciation and transparency is important to us in order for all employees to unlock their full potential and enjoy moving in new directions.


Our teams work within different offices and even across national borders, communicating with each other at all time. This encourages professional dialogue as well as personal cooperation and strengthens the other teams’ interest in the work. After all, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


See what we are like as an employer with your own eyes. From a personalized working hours structure to technical equipment for your workstation to your professional and personal development, we will work with you to create the perfect conditions based on your individual situation.

We view diversity as a chance

Diversity charter

Having a respectful work environment is a high priority at msg insur:it. We encourage a climate of trust, appreciation and respect. We view diversity as a chance for innovative and creative solutions. Together for more diversity.


msg insur:it – That is us. These are our jobs.

Every day, we take on the diverse challenges of a job in a field where insurance meets IT. We invite you to take a look behind the scenes and find out what our employees have to say.

Anita Software developer

“As software developer specialized in project services, my work mainly focuses on meeting customer requirements, providing specialist advice for technical difficulties and coordinating development assignments. The openness and outstanding teamwork between all the colleagues make joining the company a nice experience and the wide range of responsibilities leaves no time for boredom. Working on your own responsibility is valued and employees are encouraged to further develop themselves. The flexible working hours model and excellent IT infrastructure make the package complete.”

Kai-Günther Infrastructures architect

“As an infrastructures architect I am responsible for making sure that the technical infrastructure for building and running the software works properly, is maintained and is augmented to meet customer requirements. As such, I am also a point of contact if there are build or operation problems, as well as for questions relating to configuration and the infrastructure of customer projects. I support numerous sub-projects and therefore have to have a very broad knowledge base which increases steadily as I take on more and more new responsibilities. Working for msg life is worth it because we support one another within the team and I can always rely on my colleagues.”

Leyla Software developer

“My work as a build manager at msg life presents diverse responsibilities working with colleagues in a wide range of fields on a daily basis. I am in charge of the infrastructure for the system integration of our software and design the technical implementation of new concepts. msg life has an extremely pleasant working environment in which all employees quickly find their feet. Personnel development in particular is put into practice through the corporate culture. Even after just one year at msg life, I have taken the initiative and now carry out training courses and help familiarize new colleagues with the company and their work.”

Jan-Christian Software developer

“As senior software engineer I am entrusted with a variation of projects. The company gives me plenty of room to take on responsibility: in implementing customer requirements, supporting the functional advisers with the technical concepts or coordinating development work. The supportive company culture makes it easier for me to coach the project developers and encourages a really team-oriented working atmosphere. From my point of view msg life is a company that appreciates its staff, gives them opportunities for professional training and allows them to take on responsibility quickly.”

Kai Application developer and Software engineer

“A 30 year career at msg life speaks for itself. During this time I have particularly come to appreciate the varied range of tasks and the excellent teamwork. I am able to contribute to various different topics and find tasks in which I can identify myself. As an application developer and software engineer I analyze what our clients require of our software and take care of customization design and implementation. In addition, I frequently take on functional advisory roles in various client projects.”

Agustinus Software developer

“After more than ten years in the logistics and pharma industry I have found a technical challenge that suits me perfectly. As a software developer for the core product msg.Life Factory I can apply both my IT experience and the knowledge I acquired during my studies, for instance in project-specific customization, development and testing. A flat hierarchy, modern working resources, supportive colleagues and a mentor providing tuition and advice has helped me to have a comfortable start at msg life.”

Frank Mathematician / actuary

“Besides the diversity of actuarial assignments and programming software, I particularly enjoy the balance between working in the background and direct contact with our customers on-site. As a mathematician, it is nice to see your own work going straight to the customer and proving a success. I bear responsibility and am actively involved in the decision as to what work content I want to focus on more closely.”

Angela Mathematician / actuary

“Throughout consulting, customer projects and product development my specific knowledge as a mathematician is in great demand. I’m able to contribute a lot to the teams as a specialist but can also accompany complex projects as a generalist. These varied and exciting tasks challenge me every single day, which makes me happy!”

Norbert Department manager/ Skill manager for mathematics

“What I particularly appreciate about my job is the varied national and international project work. I am responsible for a wide range of challenging tasks, from actuarial consulting in insurance processes, specification and design through to implementation and mathematical testing. For me it’s all about the mix: I have plenty of space to work autonomously and independently and at the same time I cooperate a lot with my team and our customers.”

Sophie Mathematician / actuary

“Mutual support among colleagues and staff development have a very high priority at msg life. After joining msg life, I am now as a product owner responsible for the cross-component implementation of new requirements from different departments in an agile project environment. In addition, as a team leader I can support my colleagues in their further development within the company. This gives me an exciting and varied range of tasks. Flexible working hours and further training opportunities round off my work.”

Utz Insurance consultant

“For 20 years I have experienced diversity, responsibility, ongoing new projects and teams at msg life. As a specialist for insurance technology I not only work on mathematical brain-teasers, but also on the technical development of software solutions. My job gives me the opportunity to work on all the development phases of a project and to assume responsibility – from coordination with the client, conceptional work and coding through to system testing. As a commuter I find the flexible working hours very helpful. Thanks to the individual support from msg life I was also able to complete my actuarial training. And I enjoy making use of the sports on offer at the site.”

Matthias Mathematician / actuary

“The knowledge of an actuary is becoming more and more important to insurances, as it is meanwhile used throughout classic pricing and reserving in insurances. Next to all the technologies that are provided by msg nexinsure, there is a great range of areas requiring machine learning, product design or real time monitoring and pricing.”

Michael Mathematician / actuary

“For me, working at msg life means: dealing with challenges at a high level. By that I mean the functional contents and also the technical implementation. My functional focus is on requirements management for insurance technology. I really enjoy working for a modern company with a good HR policy. Here I can contribute my own ideas and put them into practice, in connection with the design and execution of customer workshops, for instance, or the definition of new requirements.”

Manuela Mathematician / actuary

“As an actuary and expert for insurance technology in mathematics I have to deal with varied and challenging topics and project work every day. My day-to-day work at msg life entails the analysis, design and implementation of customising requests for our core product, the Life Factory. Flexibility to determine my working hours is particularly important to me as a mother of two. My colleagues and managers are very understanding and that is part of the reason that I can take on responsible assignments.”

Martin Assistant to the Management Board (mathematician)

“After two interesting and instructive years in computation module development in projects for customers, I took the next step at msg life that best suited me. As an assistant to the Management Board, I currently assist all of the members of the Management Board with their everyday business and am a liaison with regard to central and forward-looking aspects of the development of our software. My internal job change was quick and pleasant with no bureaucratic obstacles. The positive influence of new colleagues and fields of responsibility has been a tremendous boost for my personal development. I look forward to more great experiences at msg life!”

Frederik KI / Machine Learning

“As my first employer, msg life enabled me to make the transition from my theoretical studies to professional work as a mathematician. The mathematical programming that is part of my daily work mostly takes place across all our offices. Thanks to flat hierarchies and close, straightforward working relationships, there are no difficulties at all in collaborating with colleagues in other offices.”

Tobias Mathematician / Actuary

“I really enjoy communicating with my colleagues at msg life and the customer employees from our projects. Since I am involved in the product settings as a mathematician and I have to deal with the transformation of customer data into our systems as a migration actuary, this is exactly what I get to do at msg life. This allows me to assess different implementation options from multiple perspectives and actively participate in the programming of the products.”

Antonia Insurance consultant

“I think it is important to work in a collegial atmosphere in which I can further myself continuously. This has been the case with my work at msg life. As an insurance consultant in an agile team, I value the teamwork with my friendly colleagues in particular. We help and learn from one another. I find the diverse challenges and the various opportunities to learn new things exciting. Due to my flexible working hours and the option of working part time, my job at msg life is also easy to balance with my family life.”

Michael Lead business consultant

“As a business informatics scientist with a PhD, I have found the perfect employer match at msg nexinsure. In my role as a project leader in one of our major projects I am challenged to deal with technical and economical tasks every single day. It is a great joy to have a wide variety and cooperation with the client and internal colleagues from different departments, such as development, business analysis, architecture, program management etc. This also helps me develop my personal training curve.”

Jeannette Business consultant

“As a consultant, I am in charge of conceptualising and implementing processes. My fields of responsibility are exciting and my everyday work highly diverse. I particularly enjoy working on my own responsibility and working in teams of people from multiple sites. I was immediately welcomed with open arms by my new colleagues at msg life and so felt comfortable straight away.”

Omid Lead Business Consultant / Sub-project leader

“In order to provide quality assurance it is necessary to carry out software tests. As a lead business consultant and sub-project leader I can fully use my strengths, as the high professional competence in this area is extremely important. The challenging tasks are very diversified. I also enjoy the direct contact to clients during trainings for our software.”

Antonia Business consultant

“After ten years of handling insurance cases, I moved behind the scenes and am now helping to design an administration system for life insurance policies. I test the system from inputting applications to processing payments so that it works the way it is supposed to for the customer. My ideas and suggestions were welcome from the outset; ultimately I was an end customer for years. I felt like I was part of the team immediately and even now learn something new every day. My personal development is also actively supported by msg life and my private life does not suffer thanks to flexible working hours and being able to work from home. I look forward to seeing what is on the horizon.”

Katja Business consultant

“What I like best about msg life is that here the team is not just a word, but people really think as a team – we all work towards concrete goals and all pull in the same direction in order to deliver great results for the customer and the company. In my day-to-day work I also get frequent acknowledgement of what I do from my colleagues and managers and I’m happy to reciprocate with that. Flexible working hours mean I can combine private life and business life very well.”

Thies Lead IT consultant

“After working as a working student I didn’t have to think long about working somewhere else. The great working atmosphere including the interesting tasks had convinced me. As a chief product owner I now have the opportunity to create one of the main components of our msg.HealthFactory within an agile team.”

Yvonne Junior business consultant

“As a junior business consultant at msg life, I formulate customer requests, document them in concepts and test the changes after they have been made. I greatly value msg life as an employer as I feel that I count as a person – this recognition comes not only from my colleagues, but also from superiors. The working environment is pleasant and despite the fact that the work is diverse and you can handle it on your own responsibility, further professional development is never neglected.”

Moritz Business consultant

“A few years have passed since I moved from an insurer to msg life and a lot has happened in that time. I was allowed to attend my first appointment with a customer on just my third day at work, followed by three months of intensive onboarding and active participation in my first projects. As such, I was involved in processes and the daily events without delay, enabling me to orient myself at work quickly. No matter what I needed assistance with, all of my colleagues gave it immediately and without fuss. And that is exactly how I wanted it to be. Today I am involved in a handful of projects and can both contribute my own ideas and implement them on my own responsibility.”

Andreas Abteilungsleiter / Skillmanager Geschäftsprozesse

“As head of a certain department, I have lots of different touch points with various colleagues. For me, it is very important that we work together in harmony. Every day at msg life I’m lucky to experience a good and positive work environment that is created through collegiality and the possibility to bring in own ideas. Thanks to modern work time models I am very flexible to arrange my workday regarding time and place. Another key factor for me: msg life offers lots of development possibilities for me in different fields.”

Patrick Business consultant

“At msg life I can really hit the ground running as a business consultant. Working on different projects and answering customer enquiries always brings up a wealth of fascinating new topics. Plus, I am focusing on analysing new questions as well as the design and development of drafts and specifications. Discussing relevant issues with my colleagues, we keep finding new approaches for solving a problem. Teamwork is vital at msg life and with regular feedback from my managers I can develop my individual career prospects.”

Karin Business consultant

“My role as business consultant connects customer requirements, product development und project teams and helps me create the perfect solution for our clients. I have been part of this company since 1998 and still every project is different and exciting.”

Daniel Product owner and business analyst

“As a business analyst and product owner I take care of our client’s technical requirements and together with colleagues from our agile product development team develop technical solution concepts to implement those requirements. I esteem the agility within our team. SCRUM isn’t just a phrase. Everyone can take part in the shaping of the product. That’s how the best solutions are developed that are sustainable.”

Jacqueline Business consultant

“Before a product can be delivered to the customer it has to be thoroughly tested to eliminate any errors beforehand and to ensure it functions perfectly. That calls for all the teams involved to work together closely. There is a pleasant working atmosphere at msg life. We treat each other as equals and all pull in the same direction. That not only enables us to deliver a good product to our customers, but means we have fun at work too and can keep developing together.”

Fabian Consultant

“The most exciting thing about my work as an expert product adviser is the combination of different fields of work, from coordinating with the customer on a technical level and implementing insurance products through to dealing with functional requirements of a legal and financial nature. msg life offers me the perfect mix of exciting and varied tasks.”

Sandra Business consultant for business processes

“Although I’ve only been part of msg life for a few months I can already say that I feel right at home here! The introductory programme is well structured and every department has received me with open arms and an open mind for my questions. Everyone is on first-name terms and is very keen to help each other. I couldn’t have wished for a better start. Now I’m interested to see how my career here advances, because as a young person msg life offers me a wide range of personal and professional development opportunities.”

Jan Head of quality management and project management

“As head of Quality Management and Project Management Office, I am in charge of developing and delivering concepts, methods and tools for projects. My team and I coordinate closely with Project Management and support our projects as experts in the applications and tools when they are used by the Project Management Office. msg life gives employees who want to get involved numerous opportunities to participate and develop personally. Thanks to the flat hierarchies and uncomplicated decision-making processes, it is possible to voice your opinions and make a significant difference to the company as an expert or manager.”

Marion Executive program manager

“As an executive program manager, I am in charge of two major msg.Insurance Suite introductory and migration projects for msg life on both a national and international level. My responsibilities include managing my project team of over 100 colleagues, making sure that we meet our project standards and holding contractual negotiations with our customers and subcontractors, and naturally I am also financially responsible for these projects. My job at msg life is therefore highly diverse and gives me a lot of freedom to work independently and structure my projects.”

Oliver IT Consultant

“After completing my studies, I had the chance to start at msg life and am very happy about my position as IT consultant because everything fits: demanding tasks, a great team and new challenges every now and then. Our team of colleagues was even able to make third place at the Silpion-KickerCup in 2018, the greatest table soccer competition of all times – even in the table soccer world capital Hamburg, that’s something!”

Tilo Project manager

“Formerly as a software developer and today as a project manager I have a wide variety of potential responsibilities, roles and development opportunities. I find it fascinating to work in international teams, to share our experience and so to move forwards together and celebrate achievements. At msg life we are always on the leading edge of the industry and are permanently refining our products – so there’s never any time to get bored.”

Nikolaus Principal IT Consultant

“Throughout the integration of our products in customer environments we need know how, customer orientation and teamwork. In the project architecture of our company field customer projects, I can find the right challenges, great colleagues, and excellent competence.”

Nadine Project manager

“Every day is different at msg life. As a project manager, my responsibility lies in the frictionless realisation of of my projects. The requirements are not always completely predictable in project planning and can change over the course of the project. So at the start of the day I don’t always know exactly what’s going to come up and have to respond flexibly with my team to new challenges. As my employer, msg life gives me the freedom I need to do that and supports my work with individual development opportunities. Tackling exciting new tasks every day is what I like most about my job.”

Christian Executive program manager

“As a programme manager I am responsible for the technical and organisational control of a number of concurrent projects as well as their profitability. I am in close contact with our clients in regard of the full scope of all current project issues. I like to take advantage of the freedom of action and design that is granted to me. My area of responsibility is very diversified, I make use of flexible working hours and work on different premises. I enjoy working with msg life because in working together we help each other and value fair play. This is important for me as well.”

Robin Working student & scholarship holder

“As a working student and scholarship holder msg nexinsure offers me the perfect entrance to the world of employment. My colleagues trust and support me, and I can work independently on current technologies whilst learning about the foundations of IT in my studies.”

Hermela HR Professional recruiting

“I have been working in recruitment at msg life for over one year now. Generally speaking, my responsibilities include reading and processing applications as well as organising and supporting recruitment events. When I started as a student temp in September 2018, I did the job alongside my bachelor’s degree in business administration. After I obtained my degree, I was given the opportunity to start a graduate internship. At msg life, you join the team immediately and can take on responsibility from the outset.”

Jasmin Head of HR Services / HR Business Partner

“As an HR Business Partner, I advise our employees on matters of employment law, am involved in higher-level HR projects and am in charge of selecting new recruits. I am also responsible for the overall management of the team which entails everything to do with personnel administration as well as the optimisation of internal HR processes. What I value in particular at msg life are the diverse, challenging HR topics where I am able to contribute my own ideas and in doing so help design a lot of things. Everyone can take on as much responsibility as they want. I appreciate the highly collegial working environment and the flexibility you have at msg life, not to mention the trust placed in you – simply put, it is fun to be a part of msg life!”

Kai Controller

“From my first day as a working student I was part of the controlling team. Over the time my responsibilities became greater and more complex. My colleagues and superiors were always there to support me and I was able to develop my skills permanently. At the end of my studies I was offered a position in the controlling department. Today I am the main controller for many customer projects and the product development.”

Martina HR Professional people development

“As an HR professional in HR development, I am in charge of organising our internal training courses and events. I work in a great team which welcomed me with open arms from day one. Besides the friendliness of my colleagues in the company, the thing I value most is that I can contribute my ideas at all times which reinforces my own personal responsibility. Additionally, as I am free to structure my assignments and have flexible working hours; I have a healthy balance between work and leisure time.”

Melanie Controller

“My project work brings me into contact with various colleagues and departments at the company’s various offices. Good communications, understanding for one another and a healthy feedback culture are vital for me, whether with managers or colleagues. At msg life I experience exactly that on a daily basis! As well as the collegial atmosphere I appreciate the excellent work-life balance. And the flexible working hours mean I can take my free time when I need it.”

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