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msg insur:it
The Future of Insurance

msg insur:it stands for the most comprehensive range of solutions for insurers from a single source: two leading providers of IT insurance solutions, msg life and msg nexinsure, are pooling their strengths and unique know-how as a new co-brand.


With best-in-class standard software solutions, around 150 successfully completed large-scale projects, and over 40 years of expertise, we are your trusted partner for digital transformation.

AXA Konzern AG Becomes First German Cloud-Native Insurance Platform Using msg.Life Factory on AWS

AXA thus gained flexibility as well as scalability and the migration gave its teams the freedom to innovate.

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A new era of growth and innovation

Canada Life implements msg.Insurance Suite to drive digital transformation

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State-of-the-art AI solution for claims management at insurance companies

msg.claim:it offers a wide range of AI-based use cases in claims management.

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UNIQA relies on the complete solution msg.Insurance Suite to modernise its IT landscape

Fully integrated platform with uniform cross systems for life and non-life insurance.

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AI-supported knowledge base for the insurance industry

msg.ask:it is an AI-supported knowledge base tailored precisely to the documents and expertise of the insurance sector.

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msg.ask:it - KI-gestützte Wissensbasis für die Versicherungsbranche

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