Some of our customers
The software from msg insur:it not only enjoys a leading market position in the German-speaking countries, but is also used all over the world. All in all, users in more than 30 countries, including the USA and Australia, apply our solutions.

Aegon is a multinational life insurance and asset management company headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands. Aegon Netherlands has chosen IBM Services to administer its Life Insurance portfolio. To digitize the policy administration, Aegon’s legacy systems will be replaced by IBM’s Open Insurance Platform. The platform will be based on the msg. Life Factory core insurance system.

AXA Germany is among the biggest primary insurers in the Federal Republic, with premium income of more than €10 billion in 2015 and nearly 10,000 employees. The AXA Group is one of the leading global insurance companies and asset managers. msg.Life Factory is its central management platform for life insurance business in Germany; it was implemented in record time and is an elementary part of its digitisation strategy. In a second phase the entire policy portfolio will be migrated to the new system.

Baloise (formerly Basler Versicherungen) uses the reporting systems msg.RAN, msg.Zulagenverwaltung and msg.Tax Connect. msg insur:it also takes over the technical operation (application outsourcing).

Canada Life, the oldest life insurer in Canada, is one of the world’s largest and financially strongest providers of risk and old-age pension cover. Having invested tens of millions of euros, Canada Life is on track to embrace digitisation. As part of this IT modernisation process, Canada Life Assurance Europe plc will become the first customer of msg life to use the full life version of msg.Insurance Suite, including the leading policy administration system msg.Life Factory. The project also involves the migration of the entire policy portfolio of Canada Life Assurance Europe plc to the new strategic IT platform.

Concordia Versicherungen provides modern, realistic insurance solutions for private customers, business people and the agricultural sector. The company has chosen msg.Insurance Suite P&C to modernise its P&C application landscape. The P&C application landscape delivers fully digitised operations in the policy, transaction and loss systems, plus a ‘product engine’, a collection system and partner components, accounting for all the strategic requirements a future-proof application landscape has to meet.

DEVK from Cologne is one of the biggest providers of insurance and savings products in Germany, covering motor, travel, legal costs, liability, property, health, life, pension, occupational disability and personal accident insurance. In future DEVK will be relying on the new JEE mathematics of the msg.Life Factory. The actuarial product component msg.Life Product will in particular cover DEVK’s new unit-linked products.

The ERGO Group is an international insurer based in Düsseldorf. It is owned by Munich Re, one of the biggest reinsurance groups in the world, which is headquartered in the Bavarian capital. For many years ERGO has successfully relied on msg.Life Factory as the central platform for its capital market-based life insurance products. In addition to the platform’s flexibility, the insurer was convinced by its service-oriented architecture, which fits perfectly with its IT strategy.

Frende is a partnership between 14 Norwegian banks. Together with a number of financial services providers, which are both shareholders and distribution partners, Frende Livsforsikring offers life and non-life insurance as well as pension plans. For many years the Norwegian bancassurance alliance has relied on msg.Insurance Suite, managing all its life insurance and pension products on the platform. Beforehand the entire portfolio was migrated to the new IT system with the expertise of msg life.

With 4.1 million members and premium income of 4.56 billion euros, the Gothaer Group is one of the largest German insurance groups and one of the largest mutual insurance companies in Germany. All lines of insurance are offered. Joint cooperation from 2012 (Health division), since 2014 for the P&C division. 2017 successful launch of the Gothaer GewerbeProtect policy with the introduction of commercial insurance based on msg.P&C Factory for the small business division.

Vienna-based Helvetia Österreich is a subsidiary of the publicly listed Helvetia Group registered in St. Gallen. In Austria the insurer is implementing msg.Life Factory as a new platform for its life business. It uses the components msg.Life Product and msg.Life Contract for the management of products and contracts. Before msg.Life Factory was introduced the policy portfolios were successfully migrated using components from msg life.

When it bought “Versicherer im Raum der Kirchen Lebensversicherung AG” (formely known as “Familienfürsorge”) in 2004 HUK-Coburg also acquired the existing licences for the policy management software from After careful analysis it was decided to administer the life policies of HUK-Coburg alongside the “Versicherer im Raum der Kirchen Lebensversicherung AG” portfolio on the modern standard software from msg life. HUK now also relies on the innovative actuarial module msg.Life Product.

InterRisk Lebensversicherungs-AG is a subsidiary of the Vienna Insurance Group. When the data centre technology had to be renewed in 2005 the insurer decided to implement a new software to manage its life insurance and pension plan products. Finally they selected the solution from msg life with its sophisticated business processes and flexible, service-oriented IT architecture.

From Brandenburg, for Brandenburg – Kommunaler Versorgungsverband Brandenburg (KVBbg) is the service provider for municipalities in and the municipal institutions of the federal state of Brandenburg and is considered a reliable and expert specialist in the area of public-sector pensions. KVBbg has been using the msg.ZVK Factory policy administration system since the end of 2017, thereby guaranteeing the handling of all the business processes in the entitlement and benefits phases of supplementary pensions.

For more than 20 years, the international subsidiaries of the Graz-based Merkur insurance group have been working with the Unified Administration Platform (UAP). Merkur is the first user of the all-sector Inventory Management System and, as a pioneer, has been one of the most important UAP development drivers.

Mobiliar is a successful Swiss life insurance company, a leader in whole life insurance and has significant market shares in disability insurance. Since 2005 the insurer has managed new unit-linked product business with solutions from msg life. Mobiliar also successfully completed the introduction of a dynamic hybrid product with msg life.

NÜRNBERGER has been providing customers and partners with protection and security since 1884. With turnover of around four billion euros and more than 4,200 employees, it is one of the top insurers in Germany. With regard to life insurance, it is one of the top ten largest providers by portfolio. In 2018, NÜRNBERGER decided to introduce the upgradeable standard software and leading policy administration system msg.Life Factory to its life insurance segment.

ottonova provides private health insurance for the mobile era. The company has been helping its customers get healthy and stay healthy with innovative digital services since 2017. Aside from comprehensive private health insurance and supplemental health insurance, ottonova provides software solutions for the insurance industry. The digital insurer’s core system came from msg insur:it. The standard in the back end, which ottonova uses to process all customer matters, is supplied by msg.Health Factory.

The history of Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig started over 260 years ago. Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig has been using the policy administration system msg.Life Factory with the additional components msg.RAN and msg.Zulagenverwaltung since 2003. In line with the insurer’s best-of-breed strategy, the msg life software solutions are integrated into an SAP-based IT infrastructure. The company currently manages around 125,000 contracts with the upgradeable standard software.

In 2012 msg life supported PolishRe in the implementation of a new core reinsurance solution within the business requirements definition, tests coordination and project reporting to shareholders. msg life coordinated all activities of PolishRe experts during the project delivery and assured proper communication with the solution vendor.

Provinzial Rheinland is an insurance company in the German savings banks’ organisation Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and market leader in its region. To consolidate and expand its position in the life insurance market Provinzial Rheinland has chosen the upgradeable standard software msg.Life Factory. Flexible customisation and a modern, service-oriented architecture were key criteria for integrating msg.Life Factory into the company’s IT environment, in particular the distribution system of the savings banks. Efficient, end-to-end business processes provide optimal support for the insurer’s omnichannel strategy.

Bereits seit 80 Jahren gilt die Rheinische Zusatzversorgungskasse (RZVK) als kompetenter Partner der kommunalen Familie in allen Fragen der Zusatzversorgung. Aktuell versorgt die RZVK rund 184.000 Rentnerinnen und Rentner mit einer Betriebsrente. Um die Konten der aktuell rund 728.000 Versicherten effizient zu führen, setzt die RZVK seit 2017 auf das flexible Bestandsführungssystem msg.ZVK Factory, das die Workflows in der Zusatzversorgung vollständig abbildet.

SIGNAL IDUNA provides both insurance and financial services. The Group was created by a merger between Signal Insurance from Dortmund and the Iduna Nova Group from Hamburg. Deutscher Ring Krankenversicherungs-Verein is also part of the group. In future Signal Iduna will conduct all its life insurance business on the msg.Life Factory, making it an integral part of its IT architecture. Redundancies in the system have been eliminated and synergies created between internal and external sales staff, so reducing administrative expenses.

SV SparkassenVersicherung (SV) now pools the insurance products of the Sparkassen Finanzgruppe savings banks’ organisation in Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Thüringia and parts of Rhineland-Palatinate. Around a quarter of the population of Germany lives in the SV sales area. Initially SV only implemented the modern solution from msg life for its unit-linked life insurance. Having worked together successfully, and following the merger of SV Baden-Württemberg with SV Hessen-Nassau-Thüringen to form the second-largest public-sector insurance company in Germany, a decision was taken to administer the entire portfolio of over 1.5 million contracts with systems and components from msg life.

The UNIQA Group is one of the leading all-round insurers in its core markets in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe. In as early as 2011, the UNIQA Group started paving the way for the digital advancement of the company by 2020 with its ambitious strategic programme ‘UNIQA 2.0’. By introducing key elements of msg.Insurance Suite into its life and health insurance segments and by migrating its entire Austrian portfolio into the system, the UNIQA Group aims to extend its leading role and create a cutting-edge strategic IT platform at the same time, especially in light of the ongoing digitisation trend.

VERKA KV manages a company pension plan for employees of the Protestant churches and their social and welfare organisations. In 2009 the insurer migrated some 40,000 policies to the policy administration system msg.Life with the help of msg life and currently manages 82,000 policies with the solution.

With more than 20 million customers, the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) is a leading insurance group in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe. In autumn 2017, under the joint leadership of the departments and the Group’s own IT subsidiary twinformatics GmbH, the upgradeable standard software msg.Life Factory was introduced in order to process some of the new business of two Austrian companies of the insurance Group in the field of life insurance (Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG and Donau Versicherung AG). This is linked to a subsequent large-scale migration project intended to shut down the old systems and migrate the insurance portfolios to the new policy administration software.

Viridium, formerly known as Heidelberger Leben, is a run-off insurance company owned by private equity manager Cinven and Hannover Rück. Viridium has invested a double-digit million sum in its IT in order to manage the insurance portfolios (‘closed blocks’) it acquires on a convenient and efficient platform. Viridium uses key components of the msg.Insurance Suite, combined with SAP components. The functional and technical competence of msg life in policy migration is a core element of Viridium’s business model.