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Supplier Code of Conduct

Our measures to ensure a sustainable supply chain that respects human rights

In January 2023, the “Act on Corporate Due Diligence to Prevent Human Rights Violations in Supply Chains” (Lieferkettengesetz, LkSG for short) came into force in Germany. It obliges large companies to analyze the risks of human rights and environmental protection violations in their supply chain, take measures to reduce the risks and report on them.


As a company that also operates internationally, we at msg life are aware of our social and environmental responsibility. We make our contribution to a sustainable supply chain that respects human rights by minimizing the potential negative impact of our services and products on our business partners within the value chain and by carrying out a risk assessment of our suppliers.


With our Supplier Code of Conduct, we want to ensure that our suppliers adhere to high standards for safe working conditions, fair and respectful treatment of employees and ethical practices.


msg life expects all suppliers and partners who provide support in the interests of or on behalf of the msg life Group to comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct.


To the Supplier Code of Conduct of msg life (PDF)


Your contact persons

Frank Fahrner

Corporate Sustainability Officer


Kim Häcker-Becker

Social Responsibility Lead