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Pension and unemployment insurance contributions by caregivers


NOVA SOSIP is state-of-the-art standard software that processes the pension and unemployment insurance contributions of caregivers quickly, reliably and almost fully automatically, and provides simple answers to complex questions about their insurance obligations.


NOVA SOSIP and CURAFORUM work together in a fully integrated way.

If you need more information let us know.

We are happy to help!


Modern standard software for the largely automated, fast and reliable processing of the pension and unemployment insurance contributions of caregivers for

  • Private insurance companies

The fully web-based application is either delivered to customers on-premise and operated there or alternatively used as software as a service. NOVA SOSIP is also available in conjunction with CURAFORUM as a software-as-a-service solution – NOVA SOSIP adds caregiver and long-term care relationship management to the management of cases of people in need of care in the complete solution, as well as the calculation of pension and unemployment insurance contributions in the context of private caregivers.

  • Increased efficiency makes work easier and saves time
  • Seamless integration with your existing systems and high reliability
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Easily input and update information about caregivers and people in need of care
  • Create and maintain long-term care relationships, including the scope of care, interruptions etc.
  • Have entitlements and contributions for pension and unemployment insurance checked and calculated – regardless of the point of the month
  • Have the system automatically create printed documents for different situations
  • Manually initiate document printing as required for certain processes
  • View and open printed documents relating to a long-term care relationship directly
  • Automatic determination of reports to the pension insurance (in DSME format)
  • Automatically generate summary notifications for Deutsche Rentenversicherung, ABV and the Federal Employment Agency
  • Process payout results with open standards
  • Input care leave requests and have them checked automatically
  • Automatically calculate health and long-term care insurance allowances from a period of care leave
  • Request various reports – especially pooled reports and audit reports
  • View your own tasks and filter them by various criteria
  • Create individual evaluations of various matters based on anticipated data
  • Import current structural data (via standardised file formats) – such as on pension schemes and benefits offices
  • Controlled access with role-based permissions