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Disclaimer / Legal Notices is a joint website of msg life ag and msg nexinsure ag under the common brand name msg insur:it.


The service providers pursuant to section 5, paragraph 1, of the Telemediengesetz (TMG – German Telemedia Act) for the website at are the following companies: msg life ag and msg nexinsure ag


msg life ag
Humboldtstraße 35
D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Phone: +49 711 94958-0
Fax: +49  711 9495-9949
Company Head Office: Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Commercial Register of the District Court of Stuttgart, HRB 731887
VAT registration number: DE811677674


The members of the Management Board of msg life ag are Dr Andrea van Aubel (Chief Executive Officer), Jan Vatter, Marion Schenker, Milenko Radic and Dr Wolf Wiedmann.


Chairman of the Supervisory Board:  Johann Zehetmaier.


msg nexinsure ag
Robert-Bürkle-Straße 1
85737 Ismaning / München
Phone: +49 89 96101710-0
Fax: +49 89 96101-1113
Company Head Office: Ismaning, Landkreis München
Commercial Register of the District Court of München, HRB 241947
VAT registration number: DE 118572310


The members of the Management Board of msg nexinsure are Dr Andrea van Aubel (Chief Executive Officer), Dr Frederik Loos, Andreas Heidl, Milenko Radic and Dr Wolf Wiedmann.


Chairman of the Supervisory Board:  Dr. Jürgen Zehetmaier.


© 2025 msg life ag/msg nexinsure ag


All rights reserved. All content of msg insur:it websites, including images and layout, is protected by copyright. The duplication of information, data, images etc., especially the commercial use of texts, parts of texts or images requires the prior, written consent of the service providers (msg life ag und msg nexinsure ag). The content of msg insur:it websites including the framings, deep linking and similar measures may not be changed or disseminated.

Liability / Guarantee

The service providers (msg life ag und msg nexinsure ag) carefully check the Internet information made available and continually updates it. Nevertheless, the accuracy of the entire content cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, the service providers (msg life ag und msg nexinsure ag) accept no liability and give no guarantee as to the completeness, accuracy and topicality of the data and information made available. Nor does they accept any liability for, or give any guarantee regarding statements about the future, as these statements are based on the beliefs and assessments of the management of the service providers (msg life ag und msg nexinsure ag) and as such carry risks and uncertainties.


The exclusion of liability and guarantee also applies to all links to which the msg insur:it web pages refer directly or indirectly. The service providers (msg life ag und msg nexinsure ag) are not responsible for the content of these other websites.


The service providers (msg life ag und msg nexinsure ag) reserve the right to change or supplement the information made available without notice.