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We’re excited to meet you!

Events by and with msg insur:it

We participate at lots of events and job fairs every year. These formats are an excellent opportunity to get to know us as an employer and talk to us.


We also organize events regularly to present our recruitment opportunities at msg life and msg nexinsure.


Here is an overview of our events and job fairs. We hope to meet you there as a visitor or participant!

Event für students

Hochschule für Technik (HfT) Math-Cup

23rd July 2024, 09:00 a.m. - 03:00 p.m.

We are happy to announce our sponsorship at this year’s Math-Cup of Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart.

The math competition addresses students of grades 10-12 and will take place in the premises of HfT.

We are looking forward to meeting many math-enthusiasts!

Further information about the event and how to sign up for it can be found here: HFT Mathe-Cup 2024 (

Event für students and graduates

FH Wedel company fair

26th June 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

You are interested in internships, side jobs, finding mentoring for your dissertation or a direct entry into our company? If so, we are looking forward to meeting you personally at the company fair „Companies at College“ organized by the friends‘ association of Fachhochschule Wedel. The event will take place at Fachhochschule Wedel and is free of charge for students.
Further information can be found at: FH Wedel company fair

Event for students and graduates

DGVFM digital business forum

21st June 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

This year we are taking part in the DGVFM digital business forum for the first time. In addition to interesting information from the DGVFM about actuarial science, you can also come by and get in touch with us. Further information can be found at: Unternehmensbesuch
We look forward to getting in touch with you.

Event for students and actuaries

Advisory board of mathematical economics and actuarial science

3rd May 2024, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

We are glad to announce that once again we will be participating at the advisory board event of mathematical economics and actuarial science of the TH Rosenheim this year.

The event addresses interested actuaries as well as students who will have the possibility of getting in touch with us personally after the event.

We are looking forward to interesting discussions, speeches and, above all, getting to know you!

Event for students and graduates

Praxis@Campus - career fair at Koblenz university

16th April 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

This year we are once again looking forward to participate in the largest university career fair in Rhineland Palatinate –  Praxis@Campus – at RheinAhrCampus in Remagen. We look forward to getting in touch with you. So if you are looking for an internship, a working student position or direct entry, please come by and get in touch with us. Further information can be found at: Praxis@Campus


Events 2023

February: Hausmesse IT-Schule Stuttgart

May: Beraterkreis TH Rosenheim & Virtuelles Firmenspeeddating Universität Ulm

June: IKOM TU München & Women4Tech

July: IT-Jobmesse Universität Heidelberg

October: TU Wien

November: Studieninformationstag DHBW Stuttgart & WiMa-Kongress Universität Ulm